How to use bee rescued varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins honey and other bee behaviour products holds an important niche in folk medicine. If it is legitimate and can be used monotherapy? Or then it is necessary to treat with other means? Whether it is safe for the treatment of varicose veins of the bees (referring to the bee sample), as well as other therapeutic interventions that are related to the use of the products, which make the bees? Why not make so ill a number of facelift procedures? This and many other questions find the answers below!

bee rescued varicose veins

What is "Bee " saved" and is it worth to use it, if varicose veins?

Pathology, which is contrary to the building of venous walls are gaining in prevalence — this contributes to the sedentary lifestyle of our peers and excessive body weight. Despite the fact that the pharmacological company each year are coming a large number of different medications and biochemically active substances of synthetic origin, the use, of medicines, the vegetable does not lose its actuality. This contributes to a number of reasons:

  1. High efficiency. Acting in several links of pathogenesis, the healing tool from the most of nature publish a lot more expressed effect, than drug therapy. For the sake of fairness it should be noted that the clinical effect of the last applied much faster;
  2. Availability. Due to the fact that the implementation of the "chemical" medicines related to many of the formalities, the solution of which the pharmacological company is forced to put large investments, their market value is several times higher. Which is not to say the vehicles in traditional medicine — they remain available also for those patients who have a limited budget;
  3. Compatibility with other drugs. Improve the efficiency of carrying out the treatment is recommended the combined use of tools and conventional and traditional medicine.
  4. Security. Never medicines of plant origin had an allergic reaction or even any kind of unwanted side effects.

One of the most well-known alternative medicine drugs is "Bee " saved". Many believe that the composition of this tools belong to the only products of the activities of the bees, but actually it is not so.

The medicinal product contains several herbal substances which significantly increase the clinical effect, simultaneously acting some links to pathogenesis. Composition means "the Bee saved from the varicose veins" looks like this:

  • The bark of siberian larch component, providing a significant anti-inflammatory effect, reduces vascular permeability, removes puffiness;
  • Rhizome Dioscorea nipponskoy — help to normalize the work of the circulatory system;
  • Bee pest — helps normalize blood outflow and lymphatic fluid. Eliminates appears vascular of the eye, to restore the normal condition of the vascular walls;
  • The seeds and fruits of chestnut – expressed anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which is especially important when working with variants of varicose veins. Offers rapid disappearance of the vascular of the eye, etc.;
  • Tibetan goji berries — contribute to normal metabolic processes.

"Bee " saved" available pharmacological in the form of liniment (ointments) — this should be entered in the damaged varicose veins areas, rubbing in slight movements. The course of treatment is 1 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the pathological process.

In order to achieve maximum efficiency in the treatment from varicose veins varicose veins on the legs to wear this tool is needed 3-4 times a day, the community in doing this using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The use of honey in the treatment of varicose veins — what you should pay attention to above all?

treatment of varicose veins

Honey — this is a well-known folk instrument, which allows you to easily get rid of many diseases, including varicose veins. In order to achieve positive dynamics in the cure of this disease, should be carefully considered in the combined medicine means, made using honey and medicinal products, traditional medicine.

It should be noted that this situation is preparations of honey can only use how tool — they do not publish a direct impact on the state of the vascular wall and the bloodstream, but ideally to help normalize the flow of metabolic processes.

The example is simple, but effective recipe

Best against varicose veins helps use alcohol tincture is honey. Its preparation will need the following ingredients:

  • Honey 200 g;
  • Medical alcohol, ethyl, 96% — 400 ml;
  • Bitter pepper — 5 g;

All of these components must be carefully mixed and let stand for 3 days. After that take along with the course of treatment appointed the doctor, already 3 weeks, no less, than 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Note that honey if varicose veins should not be used if you have a patient with an allergic reaction to bee products.

Bee sample against varicose veins — in which cases it is justified to use this money?

Bee sample — this taurus dead bees, which is also used in medical tools. This confirms the fact that even after his death the bee continues to bring benefits to the people.

In the manufacture of medicinal means, must take the following ingredients:

  • Actually own a bee sample, 200-300 g;
  • Medical alcohol, ethyl, 96% — 400 ml;

The infusion must be withstand at least a week, in order to get a truly high-quality extract, which would have given the expressed clinical effect and would be valid even in the running stages of the varicose veins.

Recommended is the tool for external use — lubricate the affected area (where there is to see blood vessels, venules), rubbing light massaging of movements. Treatment of varicose veins bee tool to be held not less than 2 months, a plurality of use — 3 times a day.

By the way, outdoor use recommended to use honey compresses, which prepare a tincture of honey, the recipe, which you can see above, and a bee sample in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Facelift procedures in patients who suffer from varicose veins. Why is not recommended to conduct shugaring?

Whether it is possible to make the addition of sugar as varicose veins and what are the contraindications. There is no doubt that every woman fights the beauty of your body and give up the depilation of the legs due to varicose veins someone does not change.

But this situation must be taken into account a number of constraints, which is related to the high probability of traumatization damaged the morbid process in the blood vessels:

  1. Allowed only in laser hair removal, if varicose veins (fotoepilatsioon) and removing unwanted hair by means of the shaver, as all the other varieties of this treatment is very traumatic and can lead to a rich experience bleeding — if there is corrupted varicose advanced container. Generally epilatsioon if varicose veins are not harmful, but if you are saving funds.
  2. The addition of sugar behavior is not recommended in any case. Acute irritation which is connected to the pins with the hair by means of wax or any other changes that apply to this procedure may cause the most undesirable consequences. Sugar the addition of contraindications is quite rough, because of how the looks of the recipe mixture, so that it is better to abandon such a procedure, choosing a more gentle recipe or option.
  3. If there will be venous ulcer (these violations are characteristic of work in the form of the observed pathology), depilation, when the varicose veins cannot be considered that too large of complications risk. The procedure is strictly prohibited — this status is a categorical contraindications for use is not only a tool to ro methods, but also the laser to remove the hairs.
treatment with honey

Whatever it was, before you begin any facelift procedure, the existence of varicose enlarged veins, should be subject to prior consultation with your doctor. Only he can decide, that you are able to do and which are best avoided.